WE24 Bundle of Joy Giveaway

WE24 Bundle of Joy Giveaway will assist hundreds of moms/dads with children 36 months and under with diapers, wipes, and other basic household necessities.

Please provide your shirt size
Day(s) Available to Volunteer(Required)
Woman Evolve is around the corner and your help is needed at our diaper distribution, WE24 Bundle of Joy Giveaway will assist hundreds of moms/dads with children 36 months and under with diapers, wipes, and other basic household necessities. We have two opportunities for you to serve and support this amazing event. The diaper distribution will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 9 AM – 1 PM at The Potter’s House, in our chapel. Volunteers are needed to help at the distribution, or you can help set up and assemble gift bags and other items the day before the event.
Volunteer Areas(Required)
These are the areas where volunteers are needed, please choose one.