Our Global Reach
Learn more about the United MegaCare story, our history, our global reach, and how you can get involved with our mission today.
One of the ways that we equip underserved populations to be more self-sufficient is achieved by our construction efforts. Through strategic partnerships, United MegaCare has successfully constructed a 10-mile pipeline to provide clean water for the people of Kenya. Additionally, our team has built 14 water stations to combat water scarcity in Africa. Leveraging our international partnerships, United MegaCare has also played an integral role in helping people obtain access to quality healthcare. To this end, our team built a three-story wing in Nairobi’s Melchizedek Hospital. United MegaCare also provided medical equipment critical to patient care.

The first outreach of the Potter’s House was led by T.D. Jakes

$400K were donated to the hospital to purchase medicines and supplies.

A container was shipped to Georgetown, Guyana to distribute clothes and medical supplies.

In response to famine and drought in Kenya, trucks were mobilized from Uganda transporting 6 tons of food to Kenya.

UMC completed three water stations in Baringo, Kenya; one water station in West Pokot, Kenya; one water station in Mwingi, Kenya; three water stations in Kajiado, Kenya; one water station in Nairobi, Kenya; one water station in

The group visited Kenya in 2005. T.D. Jakes dedicated three wells that were dug, we did food distribution to 1,000 people and two three-day medical camps in Nairobi and Kajiado, Kenya treating over 5,000 people including the Massai tribe living in Kajiado.

Participated in hurricane Katrina relief by providing phone banks for communication and assistance; recognized as a distribution site; partnered with World Vision for

A war was stopped between two tribes fighting over water. A 12-kilometer pipeline was constructed providing water to over 5,000 people, 100,000 head of livestock, a million sheep and goats, agriculture and wildlife.

Built a Computer Learning school in a slum school in Kawangware. Kenya.

MegaFest Africa, a two-day medical camp treated thousands.
150,000 people were screened for HIV / AIDS in Johannesburg, South Africa.
14 Houses were completed for the homeless in Tembisa, South Africa.

A water pipeline was constructed at Nelson Mandela’s birth place in Mvezo, South Africa.
United MegaCARE partnered with World Vision and built a children’s center in Swaziland facilitating 600 children orphaned by AIDS.
Provided clean up services for survivors of Hurricane Ike.

We responded to the earthquake in Haiti. Food was shipped to Haiti to feed 360,000 people, and 5 houses were built for victims of the disaster in Haiti.

We removed 3.5 tons of debris for Dallas Streets, and in Bulgaria, we remodeled a kitchen for a safe house for victims of Domestic Violence.

We completed the Well Project.

Distributed 82,500 meals to families in Haiti.

Sent a container to Haiti with 27,500 lbs. of food.

We donated 1,000 items of winter apparel to Veterans in Dallas area and sponsored 7 surgeries for people in Kenya.

Completed the third floor of the Melchizedek Hospital.

Built a Technical school in Gitega, Burundi.

Built a children center for over 300 children orphaned by AIDS. (This was a partnership with CBN and Orphan’s Promise) in Copperbelt, Zambia.

Construction began for a Medical Clinic in the Rift Valley in Mai Mahiu / Satellite Hill, Kenya.

Hurricane Relief Efforts sent 452,576 pounds of Relief Items to areas affected by Hurricane Harvey in Southeast, Texas; to Hurricane Irma survivors in the Florida Region and Hurricane Maria survivors in Puerto Rico.

United MegaCare was recognized by FEMA for outstanding response efforts to disaster survivors. Over 100,000 Relief Items were donated and distributed through United MegaCARE Receiving Centers.

We also brought awareness to food insecurity around the world and prepared and sent 269,696 meals to children around the world through our different partnerships.
UNITED MEGACARE 2019 NLS from United MegaCare on Vimeo.
Deployed 10 trucks to North and South Carolina with relief goods for those affected by Hurricane Florence.
Deployed 4 trucks to Florida to meet
Care Week mobilized 260 volunteers to reach the needs of 2,951 people.
In partnership with BBVA Compass Bank, we held Financial Literacy Workshops from September to November, reaching 211 people.
United MegaCare also met needs in Costa Rica, providing a medical camp to 800 and feeding 300
All in all, United MegaCare counted with the help of 1,360 volunteers whose impact through our local partnerships, reached 9,327 underserved neighbors.
Join our humanitarian efforts where you can help with the worldwide pandemic of generational poverty, hunger, access to good health and relief to survivors of natural disasters.

United MegaCare (UMC) is a compassionate organization and finds inspiration from its founder T.D. Jakes. Since 1997, UMC has served vulnerable communities and the disadvantaged locally, nationally and globally.
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